Small marionette theatre for children and their parents
For those enthusiasts who want to have a small theatre at home Marionettes are about 25cm high. Marionettes are specially adapted so the parents as well as children can control… Read more →
We will soon surprise you with a new fairy tale in which these children will also play :-)
We were enchanted by Ninera -Hurdy Gurdy, a beautiful period instrument which was used by travelling musicians at their puppet shows. It will soon also accompany our performances :-)
We were contacted by a representative of the Kiwanis Club to participate in the project “Kiwanis 2012 dolls help .” These dolls are made in sheltered workshops, and are later modified by recognized artists according to their own fantasy. Once modified, Kiwanis are offered for auction and the money from the auction is used for charity. Some dolls go to… Read more →
Restoration of antique furniture and production of replicas Peter Pilát has been working for many years as a restorer of antique furniture. In the reconstruction of this Baroque wardrobe from the first half of the 17th century, all decorative elements were completely dismantled, repaired, completed with missing parts – you can hardly distinguish them from the original. Subsequently the… Read more →